Sneaky Dragon Episode 234


Hola, Sneakers! This week Ian and Dave are back in the humble confines of the studio after the excitement of last week’s live Sneaky Dragon podcast. Thanks to everyone who came down to enjoy the show!

This week on the show: Dave tops Ian; Ian rats out the show; we have a great VanCAF recap for you; Dave and Ian wonder if you can enjoy your own art; Ian asks listeners to help Dave and write in with their favourite title cards from episodes 151 to 200; Dave has some tabling concerns; Ian finds the whole thing awkward; Dave discovers he’s good looking; Ian has some good process tips; Ian and Dave went and saw Captain America: Civil War – what did they think of it; Ian seems really concerned about sky battles; Dave enjoyed The Nice Guys; and, finally, Ian would like you to write to Dave and tell him to finish drawing his comic – #mentoring.

Thanks for listening.

And thanks to Nerdy Curiosities for their write up and pictures of our live VanCAF show. You can check it out by clicking here.

Yoda rockin’ and rollin’!

7 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 234”

  1. Wow, with so many great title cards in this batch, it’s really hard to pick a few favourites. Here are my top 5 in chronological order.

    156 – Jodorowsky/The Holy Mountain (you guys look good as satyrs)
    166 – classic James Bond gun barrel P.O.V. shot
    177 – Sneaky Tales/Dr. Strange comic book cover
    187 – Terminator SD
    198 – your tribute to Nina Matsumoto (you guys look good as crows)

  2. Picks in numerical order and rationales:

    157 – Airplane!: A favourite movie and visually really great, love that airbrushy effect.
    165 – Allen/Hirschfeld book: Ever impressed by Dave’s ability to match an artist’s style, I also love the title cards that mimic book covers/dvd cases/monopoly cards with all the scuffs, tears, and creases. I know the recreating the tears in the book jacket is relatively simple in PhotoShop, but this one feels like it took a lot of work. Probably my favourite in the 50, though I’m not familiar with the book itself.
    167 – Valentine: So cute – didn’t realize Dave was in a skirt at first! Again, great recreation of a distinctive style.
    176 – Waterhouse’s Narcissus: Dave draws great trees and landscapes! Also, I should pick something with a high-falutin’ reference so I don’t look like a total boor (I’m usually most attracted to the comic parodies at first, but this one grew on me). Also, this has a boob.
    194 – Never met a Charles Atlas parody I didn’t like. I couldn’t choose a favourite comic cover out of the batch but this will do as this ur-comic parody avatar.

    It’s always hard choosing favourite cards – should the criteria be a reference to something I’m fond of, cleverness of the gag, visual execution, etc. Dave’s probably covered this before, but I’d be curious what cards were most difficult to execute, and if those jibe with the ones I perceive as being tough to do. Also, which is more satisfying to successfully realize – a great gag or a technical challenge? Or do you not make those kinds of distinctions?

    Have you guys ever considered collecting your respective comics and selling them in POD books or putting it all together in a “Sneaky Dragon Comics Presents…”? Granted, that would probably involve a bunch of scanning, editing, and uploading, but summer’s coming up and I’m sure you both know kids who’ll need something to keep them busy. And while I’m telling you what to do, I’d love to see a “David Dedrick’s Stories From and About the Bible” comic, either print or on-line.

    1. Thanks, Layne! Great feedback. At first I was going to answer your questions in my soon-to-come (yeah, right) fifty title cards overview/process post, but I’ve decided to roll them into our Question and Answer show instead. Stay tuned!

  3. *gasp* A call out!? Yay! Thank you!
    I did indeed look at the show length and was happy! 8D

    Also, At Vancaf you guys told me to remind you to post links to Battle of the Best Man video. Me, and I’m sure many others, would love to see it!

    Also, got a real kick out of your Adam and Steve comic haha! Thank you for it!

    Another great episode! Can’t wait to listen to the next one.

      1. And after the video played, Dave and Roger came back into the reception hall with his suit jacket sleeve ripped off (as per the end of the video.)

      2. Thanks so much for sharing!
        That video was awesome! I really got a kick out of it!
        Mad props to Roger for shoving a whole Eat More into his mouth. That’s mad skillz!

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