Sneaky Dragon Episode 349

Hola, Sneakers! Episode 349! That’s right! Only one more week until our fantabulous Sneaky Dragon celebratory 350th Q&A episode! And you can make it even more fantabulous with your questions! Be sure to send some in right away to win some fabulous prizes!!!

This week on the show, Ian and Dave do some bad math; talk talented dogs; get Swiss; have problems with Sodom; figure out the first lie in the Bible; ask for Biblical simplicity; have stupid answers for stupid questions; explore wiener poo; choose their favourite part of MAD magazine; make future and past connections; think CNN’s The History of Comedy is not good comedy; have trouble with fake comedy; enjoy sexy sex; maybe enjoy lurid grossness; plan a key party heist; discover Ian’s terrible news; figure the hottest week of summer is the best time for some Christmas Carol talk; pooh-pooh the living longer lie; have some writing talk; reveal the procrastinator’s excuse; reveal Ian’s secret pitch techniques; congratulate a friend; make future plans; and, finally, make a pigeon mad.

Thanks for listening.

Hey, everyone. Episode 350 is almost here! Get your questions to Ian and David by Wednesday, August 16th and help us make it the best Q&A episode yet! Here’s your chance to make them talk about something you’re actually interested in! Finally! Tweet, Facebook, comment down below or email your questions to

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 349”

  1. Question for Ian: as the resident expert on cats, could you please explain to us why it is that cats always want to sit on the most recent edition of the newspaper. I have conducted experiments on my kitchen table with my cat and various editions of the newspaper, and she will unfailingly choose the latest edition (which is, coincidentally, the one I want to read). Please explain to me why it is that her butt can recognize fresh newsprint. Thank you. Question for Dave: as the resident expert on horses, please tell us about that most fascinating (and my personal favourite) equine organ, the spleen. Thank you.

  2. Another early Biblical lie, or I guess it was technically a lie by omission, was when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery then killed a goat and stained his coat with its blood. When they showed the coat to their dad, they allowed him to jump to the conclusion that Joseph was killed by a wild animal. I give them props for using props.

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