The Title Card That Never Was

It’s never happened before in the sixty-eight previous title cards I’ve drawn, but this week for Episode 69 I had to scrap a cover and change my plans.

The destruction of the Eiffel Tower is almost as common as the destruction of Big Ben. With Ian returning from Paris, I thought it would be funny to show a picture of a Eiffel Tower destroyed by a surprised-looking Sneaky Dragon. I scoured Google images, looking for a suitable picture, but it seemed like nothing would work. I decided I would have to do it myself; found a large image of a Parisian cityscape with the Eiffel Tower and began to draw it. As I worked on this title card I realized that I wouldn’t have the time I needed to refine this rough drawing into finished pencils, inking it and then colouring it so I tried the search again, found a pretty good picture and recycling the dragon from this image I was able to create a pretty good title card.

As I mentioned during the show, Easter is a very busy time for me because I’m a dork who sings in a church choir. This year I agreed to sing the Exultet during our Easter Vigil service and that added to my time constraint. Throw in driving out to the airport to pick up our youngest daughter who was returning from a school trip to Europe and my day was jam-packed!

This image would have made an awesome title card. Too bad it will never be


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