2 thoughts on “What Is Dave Doing ?!? – Part 3”

  1. Hey Dave, your write up for “Free Your Mind …” could probably apply to most Funkadelic’s albums. I like a lot of their output but there are songs on every album that I hit the skip button. Plus most of there songs have those hippy-dippy lyrics. That’s the charm! LOL You are right, the album does start off mighty groovy.

    Good to see you are moving right along in the Trollope project. I don’ think I could get very far in this book with that stilted language. How many of his novels will you be re-reading vs reading for the first time?

    I’m not that familiar with the Schtroumpfs series. Do you collect the English translations as well?

    BTW, fun podcast (#74). I used to go to that gaming room in Walley as well. (Yup, some of those guys were “intense” … ). I seem to recall a club on the old Kwantan campus (trailer park) as well.

    1. I’m going to give Maggot Brain a re-listen soon so I’ll probably be writing the same review in a few weeks.

      I did finish La Vendee, but I’ll save my comments for later. I’ve read most of his books. I think there are three or four I haven’t read, but I’ve lowered that number by reading The Kellys and the O’Kellys.

      I don’t have any English translations of Les Schtroumpfs! I have nothing against the English versions (I have complete collections of Tintin and Asterix in English – plus a couple of volumes of Valerian), but since I can just as easily read the French editions, I would rather read the authors’ original work instead of it being filtered through a translator. I’m a huge fan of the “Integrales” being published by Dupuis and am currently dipping in and out of Franquin’s Spirou and Fantasio. I will write about it soon.

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