Sneaky Dragon Episode 188


Happy city in flames week, Sneakers! This week, Vancouver’s burning – BURNING!!! It’s all heat, fire and apocalyptic nightmare. The perfect background for Ian and Dave to discuss Dave’s attempts to fuck the dog (that’s a metaphor, peoples); Dave’s over-developed work ethic; Ian’s maggot problem and his insane hatred of flies (the fly killer); Ian thinks The Raccoons suck…

…and also they’re so great; Dave gets Canadian animation mixed up and slanders Nelvana; Dave has opinions about Ron Weasely and he’s not afraid to speak out; Ian’s going to San Diego – apparently to stand in airport line ups, lose his hotel room and stand in con line ups – but also to speak on a panel and jump into a money pit; Dave wonders what Ian thinks of Disney cartoons; it’s July: the perfect time to share some Christmas memories; manipulating kids, Ian is onto you; Ian t-hair-rorizes his nephew; and, finally, they end the show by t-hair-rorizing adults.

Thanks for listening.

4 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 188”

  1. Apocalypse? Nah.

    I’m happy to report that it’s cool in Vancouver as of today, Sunday July 7. It’s a humid but comfortable 20 degrees C. Thanks to a change in weather patterns, the city no longer smells like at a provincial park campground after sunset or, for any Finnish listeners, a savusauna (traditional “smoke” sauna). It rained a bit yesterday and it’s overcast today so Vancouverites should be starting to whine about the lack of blue skies and sunshine any minute now.

    Ian, my mom liked your joke: “At Comic Con four people cosplaying as Tetris pieces accidentally formed a straight line for the restroom, vanished and haven’t been seen since.” (Ian Boothby c. 2015.) The grandma demographic gets your stuff.

    1. If David laughs then usually Grandmas will get the joke too.

      Glad to hear the weather has gotten more sensible. Maybe Pia and I won’t just stay in California after all.

  2. Ironic that the City in Flames episode contains nary a single siren in the background. This is the second time in recent weeks I’ve had to remain sober for the entire show.

    Let’s get those EMS vehicles rolling again!

  3. David Weishahn

    Just listened to this podcast and David said he never thought of Scrooge as having a Scottish accent when reading the comics. In case you haven’t discussed it again or no one else mentioned it in the past four years, Carl Barks does confirm that Scrooge has a Scottish accent. In “The Swamp of No Return”, Scrooge is zapped with a ray that gives him amnesia and he is then placed in titular swamp along with several other Duckburg authorities. While suffering amnesia, he comments on his accent.

    I don’t remember all of the details of the story as I haven’t read it in years.

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