Sneaky Dragon Episode 150


Hello, Sneakers! Welcome to the Sneaky Dragon episode that you created! This week Ian and Dave answer your questions and thank you, everybody, for sending so many! They tell us their favourite podcasts; worst thing about doing Sneaky Dragon; earliest memory; weirdest movie they’ve ever seen; advise on baby names; give themselves a superpower; cast the all-female Ghostbusters; are invited to visit Chicago and Brazil plus many more!

And finally, one of our lucky listener’s name is drawn for the the grand prize: a Sneaky Dragon t-shirt of your choice. Congratulations to…well, you’ll just have to listen, won’t you?

Grand prize winner! Please send us your address so we can your shirt and other prizes in the mail. And anyone else who sent us a question, please send us your address and we have a little prize package for you too. Send your addresses to Sneaky Dragon, care of

As with our last Q&A episode: we are so sorry for the extra-long show!

Department of Corections: The Alec Guinness movie that Dave referenced was actually a 1950 – not 1930s – film called Last Holiday. It is a pretty good film, but, as Dave mentioned, the ending is pretty dumb.

11 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 150”

  1. The reason no one else has commented yet is because they’re still listening. Only I was impolite enough to pause it. Accordingly, congratu

  2. And then they went spelunking!

    Thanks for the name suggestions and baby tips! (Though Shane rhymes with Layne, so that’s a pain, as I hate to rhyme, all the time, and I already have a longish last name, and Alexander is another four syllables the poor would have to deal with.) Great episode! I don’t know if you guys get enough credit and kudos for the honesty and sincerity that you bring to the show, but I really appreciate it. The stuff about your parents really resonates with me, and as someone who could also easily turn into a sketcho 50-year old bachelor, what you said about how your wives saved you also hit home.
    I’ve had a pretty crappy week, but this episode helped make it a little less crappy, so thanks again, guys!

  3. Thanks Layne. There are a lot of podcasts out there with people talking, the only unique thing we really have to offer are our own lives and experiences. And we might as well be as truthful as possible with those. Also Dave and I know each other so well it’s hard to lie when the other person is in the room.
    I know for certain I wouldn’t have the life I have now if it wasn’t for my wife. It feels so right to be with her that it’s hard to imagine there was another path, but there was and I don’t envy the guy who took it in some parallel universe. Though maybe people can fly in that one. That would be cool.
    Sorry about your rough week. Hope things get better. Glad we were able to help a bit and really appreciate you almost breaking into free style rap at the start of your letter.

  4. In the interest of public service, following are the top not-10 lists from this episode:

    The Improv Handbook – Tom Salinsky & Deborah Frances-White

    1. Tune In (vol. 1 of The Beatles: All These Years) – Mark Lewisohn
    2. You Never Give Me Your Money: The Beatles After the Breakup – Peter Doggett
    3. [If it is, indeed, book 8 in order of publishing, then] The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson – Anthony Trollope
    4. [Reasonably certain this is] Spirou et Fantasio: Intégrale – various, incl. André Franquin

    1. Stop Paying Attention – Lucy Knisely ( )
    2. Hark, A Vagrant – Kate Beaton ( )
    3. – Boulet
    4. Oglaf – Trudy Cooper & Doug Bayne ( )
    5. Lucky – Gabrielle Bell ( )

    1. Saga – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
    2. Hawkeye – Matt Fraction & David Aja
    3. Ms. Marvel – G. Willow Wilson & various
    4. Lumberjanes – Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson, Brooke Allen
    5. (anything by) Art Baltazar
    6. Amazing Spider-Man – Dan Slott & various
    7. She-Hulk – Charles Soule & Javier Pulido
    8. Thunderbolts – Ben Acker, Ben Blacker, various

    1. The Dead Authors Podcast
    2. Star Talk Radio
    3. The Sporkful
    4. This American Life
    5. Never Not Funny: The Jimmy Pardo Podcast

    1. The Ink Panthers Show!
    2. TCJ Talkies
    3. AlphaBeatical
    4. Sklarbro Country
    5. You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes
    6. James Bonding
    7. Doug Loves Movies

    1. Thank you, Marcus, for doing the heavy lifting and making these lists. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that it occurred to me that I should have done it, but I was NOT going to listen to the show again.

      The other Dupuis Integrale that I have been enjoying is Jidehem’s Sophie. Jidehem worked for many years as Franquin’s assistant on Gaston LaGaffe.

      I talked a little bit about 1960s Brazilian pop music during the show and so I thought I’d share a few gems from some of greats of the “Tropicalia” scene.

      First off, Caetano Veloso, who is sort of the father of Tropicalia – the movement borrowed its name from a song on his second album. However, I’m going to post a song from his second album-in-exile Transa because I like this song so darn much:

      Gilberto Gil was second to Caetano Veloso in the Tropicalia movement. They would both be imprisoned then exiled by the military dictatorship in 1969. Unlike Veloso’s song, written in the midst of his exile, Gil’s album Expresso 2222 is a celebration of their return to Brazil after almost three years.

      Os Mutantes were sort of the “clown princes” of the Tropicalia movement. Their exuberant goofiness seemed to make them immune from the repressive regime. Unlike Veloso or Gil, they were not exiled despite their subversive songs. This is one of my favourites:

      Gal Costa was a good friend of Veloso and Gil. She sang with Veloso on his first album – a very traditional samba album – and happily joined in the Tropicalia movement. Besides Veloso’s very strange album, Araca Azul, from 1973, Costa’s albums were by far the most “far out” with some really interesting experimentation. This song is fairly straight-forward, but I enjoy it’s self-referential lyrics and its clever “album credits as song.” “My name is Gal.”

      And, finally, Tom Zé. He recorded recorded one album during the late Sixties – coming more into his own during the Seventies. This song is from his very good LP Estundando o Samba from 1975. I love how he builds his songs up in layers of instruments.

      I also talked about the lost Beach Boys album Smile, which I love – both the mythology of and the music that came out of that period. Here is one of the kookier songs from the album. Notice the spare instrumentation that highlights the fantastic background vocals – particularly the strange “laughing” vocals. So good. But was the world ready for this in 1967?

    2. I re-watched Dr. No, and then listened to the first James Bonding. You were right, well worth the listen, such a good time.

      I am not looking forward to watching those dreadful Daniel Craig movies again. Hopefully the payoff is worth it….

  5. I was in the car with Dave on his way in to record Episode 151 when he passed Dave returning home from recording Episode 150 . #Episode150gate

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