Sneaky Dragon Episode 165


Helloooo, Sneakeroos! Welcome to Episode 165! This week Ian and Dave take a walk down Allen’s Alley; reminisce about Network Replay; start a vaudeville act; Dave recalls seeing Jim Bacchus at Ice Capades much to Ian’s delight; Ian reveals that James Bond’s first appearance outside of the books was as an American; Ian is living like a depressed bachelor right now; Dave wants to thank some of the listeners; Ian has an epiphany about The Manson Family; Dave asks if competitiveness is good motivation; Ian disagrees that movies from the thirties are as good as movies from today; Ian provides too much information about his reading habits; and, finally, Dave is a bad sport about being a good sport.

If you live in Vancouver, you might want to come out and see Ian’s newest show that he is tricking himself to write: Action! Sex! Maple Syrup! JAMES BOND LIVE! at The Rio Theatre on February 5 at 7:00. Come on down for some improv fun!

Thanks for listening!

17 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 165”

  1. Ian, would love to attend the James Bond show, but I’d need a Q inspired mode of transport to get there from here on the prairies.

    Regarding the scar issue. Go for it, but don’t sweat it. Sometimes a scar is just a scar.

  2. Hey, I remember seeing Jim Bacchus at an Ice Capades performance too! Maybe we were at the same show, Dave. He did seem out of place at an ice show. Speaking of celebrity appearances, around that time I also went to a Broom Ball charity game at the PNE. (For those unacquainted with the sport, broom ball is played on an ice rink, only you don’t wear skates and you use brooms to hit a ball.) The big Hollywood star was Donny Most (Ralph Malph) from Happy Days. He lip synced a song. I don’t think I’d ever seen lip syncing before. It was a real letdown. I was similarly disillusioned when I went to live tapings of the Alan Hamel and Alan Thicke TV shows. Musical guests would “sing” into a microphone even though nothing was coming out of their mouths and there was no band in sight. Since then, my opinion on the lameness of lip syncing has remained unchanged.

  3. Funny story about the James Bond gun barrel.
    So my graduating year from high school was 2007. Because we were year 007 we decided to theme the grad wall mural to be James Bond themed. The Painting we ended up deciding on was the gun barrel with two grad students standing at the end of it.
    In hindsight….it was such a terrible, terrible thing to paint on the wall of a high school.

  4. Hiya boys I just heard epi 165….
    Loved it! (as usual)

    However I was thinking back to epi 164… Something Ian said about talking to himself?
    Where else is he going to get expert advice?!? Ian’s cool, he knows this about himself, and he can accept it…so should we!!

    Now knitting news, I’ve begun the new SD pattern, which fits squarely in with the apparent debate in this weeks episode i.e. infringements….LOL! You’ll see when I finish your items.

    On a personal note…I turned 50 this week…yes, a quinquagenarian…still, I don’t feel it.

    Hope you’re both well and happy!
    Warm Wishes

  5. Thanks Ian…it wasn’t the SD stuff I was worried about its the Marvel Comic infringement…but it just for you, Dave, your wives and Daves girls….so not really applicable?

    Anyway going to listen to epi 166 tonight with my Ian…

    Have a good one!


    I shared your FB page on mine, hope it drives some traffic there, you two deserve it!

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