Sneaky Dragon Episode 362

Hola, Sneakers, and welcome to the official sixth anniversary of Sneaky Dragon. Yes, it was six years ago that Ian and Dave gathered around a single, not-very-good microphone (because the dynamic mics that Dave brought didn’t work very well with our new midi interface) and recorded our first episode. It was a rough and bumpy ride, but we’ve smoothed out the experience over the years and we now like to call our shows “mostly painless”.

Speaking of mostly painless, this week on the show Ian and Dave tell us about our new spin-off podcast – Sneaky Dragon Listening Party – co-hosted by Dave and his daughter Mary – it’s a music podcast that goes back through the mixtapes Dave made for listeners starting three years ago; they celebrate an awkward anniversary; deal some Happy Days trivia; give out true facts about Bob Einstein; lose their sense of humour; remember Real People; do some bad vamping; remember That’s Incredible; reveal the secret history of 1968; besmirch acid gurus; sympathies for the swastika; Sabrina feelings; draw lots; uses for the I Ching; shame Dave; pitch Edgar Allen Poe, paranormal cowboy investigator; defend Mark Twain; never say never say never again; and, finally, Laurel Robertson’s Top 10 movies:

  1. The Darjeeling Limited
  2. The Spanish Prisoner
  3. The Sixth Sense
  4. O, Brother, Where Art Thou?
  5. The Prestige
  6. Alien
  7. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  8. The Drop
  9. Gone Fishing
  10. A Hard Day’s Night

Thanks for listening.

This didn’t come up during the show, but here is a great, inept interview with a game Bob Einstein done for a local radio station:

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 362”

  1. A Hard Day’s Night, yay! I’m starting to worry that by the time you get to my list, you’ll have talked about all my movies already. Nah, I think there are a few left that haven’t been mentioned.

  2. Not that I’m picky or anything, but isn’t it seven years? And in two weeks?

    Whatever – you just gave me one more reason why this is still my favourite podcast!

  3. Hey guys. There’s often something on your podcast that sends me down the research rabbit hole, or in this case the “rabbi hole” as this week it was your question about “lots” which I’d remembered from Bible readings but never really knew how they worked. So lots (in Hebrew “goral” and Greek “kleros”) could be sticks, stones, slips of paper, or potsherds which were drawn by hand or shaken out of a container. They were used to get divine input when choosing who gets what share of lands or goods, who has to do a job or task, etc. Also to find out who is guilty of something. This would be a good topic for your future Biblical spin-off podcast, Wholey Bible, as there are “lots” of stories where they are used by dudes like Moses, Joseph’s brothers, the guys who threw Jonah off the boat, and as Dave mentioned, the Roman soldiers who divided up Jesus’ clothing.

  4. Laurel Robertson

    Thanks, Ian and David! I got a huge kick out of listening to you go over my movie list. “Lots” of fun… get it??? LOTS??? (See Louise’s note above for more about “lots”)

    Last night, my husband and I watched “The Drop” again. I hope you do see it. I really liked it even better on the re-watch.

    Also, Ian, I have a cat who pats my nose ever-so-gently when she thinks “Wake up time!” Occasionally the poky claws do come out! It’s kind of cute till then… 🙂

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