Sneaky Dragon Episode 374

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Episode 374!

This week: hear plugs; lire en français; wishless; fear of God; love of God; hellish concepts; miracles; prayer power; ecumenical power; ladder day saints; altar porn; the ten commandments; the two recommendations; Hall and Oates are wrong; polite surnames; eternal sufferings; fight, fight, fight; Ian’s Bumblee gripes; Ian’s Polar bugbear; Dave follows Ian’s recommendation; the problem with movie trilogies; Ian’s writing riddle; and, finally, they run out of gas.

Thanks for listening.

16 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 374”

  1. Hall and Oates are NOT wrong. Rick Springfield is wrong. Please apologize to Hall and Oates, especially to Oates’ moustache. Thank you.

  2. I must have missed the part where you corrected him, David. 😀

    I am just funnin’ you guys, I absolutely adore what you do. I can be a musical pedant sometimes. 😉

  3. Good to hear another preview of your future Biblical spin-off podcast (Sunday Schooled?) A small clarification from a lapsed United Churcher: there’s the Greatest Commandment as well as the Golden Rule. When asked which of the (Old Testament) commandments was the greatest, Jesus put loving God first and loving your neighbour as yourself in the number two spot.

    The Golden Rule is that “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” thing which is pretty much another way of saying that “love your neighbour” thing. No doubt it bears repeating in the Bible since so many people have trouble following it.

    My pet peeve about movie trilogies or tetralogies is when they take a book series and split one of the books into two or even three movies (like in The Hobbit) to milk the fans for more profit.

    1. You can imagine my own special brand of chagrin as I realized I had reversed the two commandments while editing the show. Ugh! I will excuse myself by say8ing they are often seen as two sides of the same coin.

      The wonder of the Golden Rule to me is that it is not a negative (i.e., “Do no harm.”), but a positive exhortation to do good. The tricky part is actually doing good rather than harmful things to our neighbours!

      1. That two-sides-of-the-same-coin notion reminds me of the passage where Jesus said something to the effect that “if you did it for the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it for me” which I think is fairly Zen. That chapter also endorses visiting the sick and prisoners, feeding and clothing those in need, taking in strangers. Those anti-refugee, anti-immigration types who consider themselves Christians should take note.

  4. The “Before” trilogy is solid.

    Netflix synopsis:
    Taxi Driver
    Cabbie watches porn before shooting up whore house.

  5. Thanks for another great episode. David, you have a very evolved point of view re: religion. if Concord Christian Academy, where I rotted out my elementary school years, had an ethos more like yours, I might not be such a bitter atheist. Thanks for your sanity.

  6. Edward Draganski

    As you guys were discussing “Trilogies” I was screaming in my car, “Planet of the Apes Pentalogy!!!” over and over. The original five films set in motion by Rod Serling’s penned 1968 Planet of the Apes man!!! The Dr. Otto Hasslien theory of the time loop alone makes these films fascinating!! I’m curious what you guys think about them, if at all….

    So now we have the new POTA films and the apes look ultra realistic…but they’re three films in and only about 50 years out from the first film! I am so ready to see apes ruling the Earth 3000 years from now, smoking cigars and riding horses in uniform. If you saw the first of the new POTA a few years back, they even set up the entire plot for the astronauts going into space. The ship that launches in the 1968 original, with Heston on it, was called The Icarus. In the first of the new films, with James Franco, one scene shows that The Icarus has launched on a TV broadcast and it’s headed for Mars. Later in the movie, a newspaper headline is seen reporting that the Icarus has been lost in a black hole. So these scenes alone have set up the Icarus to return from that black hole 3000 years later to a planet run entirely by apes! Instead we keep getting the apes kind of just moving around Northern California picking fights with Woody Harrelson.

    Another Trilogy also came to mind, and a bad one at that, The Cloverfield Trilogy. I really don’t even remember what the hell happened there….

  7. Loved the episode. I particularly enjoyed the religion discussion. It is rare to hear an honest, adult and respectful discussion of religion, faith and God. I taught religious education, Confirmation class (14-15 yrs) for years. Golden Rule, Commandments, Beatitudes, all revolve around love and giving (sacrifice). Just this past Sunday we had one of my favorite scripture readings, First Corinthians 13:13, “As it is, these remain: faith, hope and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love.”
    After so much open mindedness and, as somebody else put it, such an evolved point of view I was taken aback with the absoluteness of Dave’s pronouncements of who is or isn’t a Christian. Came off as a little too holier-than-thou and judgey. Quite a departure from how the conversation was going.
    Back to movies, one trilogy you missed was the Ice Cube Friday series; Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next. Three solid films, my order of preference would be #2, #3 then #1. Coincidentally, the order in which I first saw them.
    Love the show, as well as the Listening Party. Keep up the great work.

    1. I missed this comment somehow so thanks, Bob! I do try to be thoughtful in my Christianity – less so in my conversation! What I meant by my comment about Trump was not “can he be a Christian” (and of course he can – there is no stopping grace!), but is he sincerely a Christian (or just playing to his constituency).

      But if he thinks he’s a Christian, well, more power to him! I hope one day he sees past the prosperity gospel and can open his heart to the less fortunate.

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