Sneaky Dragon Episode 45

Hello, friends of sneakiness! Here is the latest and the greatest! The best podcast currently on the internet waves! Listen to any other podcast and compare it to ours and I’m sure you’ll agree all the other podcasts are a pile of poo! Phew. We’re trying to learn to toot our own horn here at Sneaky Dragon HQ. It doesn’t come naturally to us Canadians!

Or at least that’s what David and Ian maintain on the show this week. They also talk about robot companions; accept that they’re old men and talk about radio shows (and by that, I mean Ian brings up Fred Allen again); realize that people on podcasts are invisible; and figure out a clever way to tell if someone is fit. Dave talks about “knocking” songs, reveals his lack of bank knowledge, makes a n intolerant plea for tolerance, shows off his fresh arm gash, then waits for tetanus to set in. Ian tells us that a video he made is going to be on Tosh.O, compares and contrasts Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, shows off his singing and rapping abilities to no applause, then tears the newest Sherlock Holmes fanfic, Elementary, a new bumhole.

Don’t forget, Sneaky friends, that we will be doing a listener’s questions show in the near future. Please send in a question or two that you would like answered. They can be personal questions or specific questions about any of the myriad topics Ian and Dave love to blather about.

Thanks for listening!

1 thought on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 45”

  1. Hi Dave and Ian,
    You made a great point about the trend in business to not necessarily make money but to save money. That’s the lazy way to improve the bottom line, as it takes more effort, time and possibly money to actually find strategies to make money. And you see this in many movie theatres, where it looks like they have just given up. They know the marks will line up no matter what.

    I really like to see movies in a movie theatre, but now that I have a family, I don’t have the luxury to go as often and am really selective when I do have a chance. Unfortunately, it’s a very expensive trip out for, at times, a less than stellar experience (dim screen, wonky sound, etc). We do take the kids to a local second-run theatre (Hollywood 3), which is always a good time and doesn’t hit the pocket book so hard.

    So I can see why people wait. I also think there is a shift to watch films by streaming them at home on your computer or on the TV. I do it out of necessity; I can’t always get out. Unfortunately, the streaming services, while convenient, have also given a one-two punch to the DVD. I’m one of those 20th century boys who still prefer to own the artifact, whether it’s a DVD or a CD. Oh well.

    Also, I hope for the sake of the show that you receive more questions. I am sure your attorney would advise you to cancel the segment otherwise. Looking back, mine read either as mutterings from a psychologically disturbed individual or as the stuttered utterances from a meth head 3 hours into an 8-hour trip.

    Finally, I burst out laughing with the cunt reference. I’m in a carpool called the “Dozy Cunts,” (named after listening to Derek and Clive on the way to work one morning) and we frequently refer to each other by the “c” word at work, home, in email and phone correspondence or even just in passing.

    Toot toot!


    (I haven’t listened to episode 44 yet, but that’s a-coming-up in the playlist!)

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