Sneaky Dragon Episode 483

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Episode 483 of Sneaky Dragon – still rockin’ in the free and unfree world!

This week: as usual, an apology; jabs; un-leded; NiFTy; competing against yourself; hidden art; the 36 chambers of Shkreli; Prince’s vault; snow duck; let’s re-cast Looney Tunes A Christmas Carol; sexy bunnies; disappointing youth; gruesome pie violence; debts are complicated; mixed-up shooters; murder vehicles; unusual solution; underwear cereal; virtual Bermuda shorts; 360° room; time to augment reality; hope I don’t die; dads and their jobs; workin’ blues; the fixer; a terrible conversationalist; going squirrelly; juice improver; famous fries; so-so hot dogs; minions meat; fun clip; talented actors; tap-dancing doctor; weird cameo; Dark Shadows – A Tucci of Evil; grocery challenge; soft scrambled eggs; Throat to Throat; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; switched on; goodbye; movies are hard on breakfast; not live; sew good; shrifted; feeling “firey”; let’s take it easy; and, finally, anomalous comic strips.

Thanks for listening.

Question of the week: What’s a popular movie, TV show, record or book that feels like everyone has watched, listened to or read, but you have never done so
Sub-question: What would you make – Chopped-style – with a bag of potatoes, a gallon of milk, a bag of apple, two bunches of bananas, and some chocolate chip muffins?
Sub-sub-question (from Mick): What is the strangest pet you’ve ever owned?

That weird Dick Van Dyke Show/ Diagnosis: Murder crossover:

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 483”

  1. I haven’t watched Fleabag yet. I’ve watched other “I’m writing a role I’ll be perfect for” series like Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project, Lena Dunham’s Girls and Issa Rae’s Insecure so I’ll probably enjoy it once I get around to it.

    There are websites where you put in the ingredients you have and they suggest what to make. I did that for Ian’s misdelivered groceries and the results were pretty lame: smoothies and milkshakes using the milk, apples and bananas; and roasted or boiled potatoes for the potatoes. Like Dave, I’d go with some sort of creamy potato casserole with a layer of thinly-sliced apples on top. For dessert, I’d make a banana custard poured over a base made out of crumbled chocolate chip muffins.

    The strangest pets we had were a pair of small lizards we named Joe Frazier and Rocky Marciano.

    1. I think “jab” is a UK term for a “shot.” I’ve never heard is used in that sense before this year. I wonder, do they use the idiom “a shot in the arm” over there?

      1. We do, indeed, say ‘a shot in the arm’ in the UK. ‘Jab’ is more of an English word. In Scotland we say ‘jag’. And I get my first one on Saturday – woo hoo!

  2. Edward Draganski

    Do you guys consider “Firefly” or the modern version of “Battlestar Galactica” popular? Many of my friends sure do and they dog me about not watching either series to this very day. One friend of mine actually bought me the complete DVD set of “Firefly” so I’d watch it but to this moment I haven’t. I put off watching the animated “Clone Wars” series until recently, I thought it would supplement “The Mandalorian” as does “Star Wars Rebels” which I’m currently in the middle of. As for movies, I made it through almost half of the first Harry Potter film and never looked back. This was back when the first Harry Potter opened in theaters and it was said that the second trailer for “Star Wars: Attack of the Clones” was attached to Harry Potter. I went opening day and there was no “Attack of the Clones” trailer before the film, so I snuck out and made my way to the next theater where another showing of Harry Potter was about to start…still no trailer. I did this about five more times and spent all day watching the same beginning to Harry Potter with a different assortment of trailers preceding it but never saw one for “Attack of the Clones.” I left the theater tired and nauceous and to this day this is why I’m not wild about Harry.

    When you say chopped style, do you mean like a chopped salad? We used to eat at a place called Corner Bakery in nearby Plano that made a huge chopped style salad I could never finish…it was huge and this was the lunch portion! You mentioned potato salad which sounds really good, with apples in it too which I like since this fits into my diabetic diet. I guess you could make a chopped salad with apples, bananas and potatoes prepared or roasted and mixed into the salad. A Waldorf Salad has fruit and nuts in it so I guess it’s not a million miles away from that. Then I’d drink the milk with the chocolate chip muffins for dessert and wait for a diabetic coma to take me.

    I begged my Mom for a hermit crab, so she got me the supplies for one and they really don’t do much but dig around in the sand and smell fishy. You have to have larger shells available for them to move into as they grow, so it was kind of neat waiting to see which shell this crab would pick when he grew out of his old one. I named him Colonel Logan Crusty and one day, after about a year, the Colonel was smelling a bit fishier than normal. It didn’t take long to realize he had gone to the great shell in the sky so that was it for hermit crabs at my house. At least my cats never had any thoughts of eating the crab, that could have been horrific yet made for a better story here…

  3. Laurel Robertson

    I have missed a lot of TV shows that have been in the culture awhile. The Sopranos, Friends, and Game of Thrones come to mind immediately. The thing is I don’t feel a need to go back and watch them. They just don’t interest me.

    Those groceries you were delivered, Ian, sounded like a real windfall to me, especially the apples and bananas. At my house, my husband eats at least 2 apples each day, one at lunch and one while hiking with the dogs through the woods in the evening. When he gets near the end of the apple, he calls out, ” Prairie! Nash! Do you want an apple?” and they come running from wherever to sit, tails wagging, at his feet and get their half of the core. A third apple is eaten by me a lot of days as I indulge in my favorite: apple slices with peanut butter. I do make up a Waldorf salad, as Ed D mentioned, every once in awhile, too, so the apples would not be a problem.
    I have a banana most days, as well, and if they got too brown and mushy, I peel and cut them into chunks, drop them into a ziplock and freeze for future use in smoothies or to make a banana cake or mini loaves of b – bread to give away. The custard Louise describes sounds wonderful, too!
    Scalloped potatoes, as David mentioned, is a great winter casserole! Takes a long time to cook and warms the house! I make a couple different versions of potato soup also, which would be using a good portion of the milk, as well.
    And those muffins? Just “chowser” those down, as my grandson would say!

    Strange pets, Mick? When we lived in the FL Keys we had two smallish iguanas, named Chubby (the larger one) and Stubby (who lost his tail in an unfortunate grab to get him out from under a cabinet on one of his escape runs! The tail grew back, of course, but by then he was quite fond of the name, we could tell…) At that same time, we had a cockatiel named Rosie, which isn’t odd, but I so disliked the idea of caging her that generally she flew around in the house, and found various places to lay her eggs as she matured: a porcelain pitcher above the kitchen cabinets, was a favorite and, after her feathers were clipped following a rough encounter with the ceiling fan, a gap in the kitchen baseboards. Oh yes, and my daughter kept a stinky ferret for a year in her teens. 🙁

    Have a great week David, Ian and everyone!

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