Sneaky Dragon Episode 81


Hola, amigos de sneakiness! This week we get Biblical on your jawbones of asses. David has graduated from his EFM classes with a “fake university degree”. Ian takes the opportunity to ask him a lot of questions for which he has no answer. THRILL as David hems and haws over how we are made in “God’s likeness”! GASP as he tries to remember how The Gospel of John ends! SNORE as he gives an inadequate summary of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason! Also discussed: brains in vats; Genesis is not a science book; does God have a navel; rave aerobics; and disappearing podcast listenerships.

Don’t forget! Sneaky Dragon will teaming up with the Caustic Soda podcast for a sure to be great live performance on July 14th at EXP Restaurant + Bar (309 West Pender Street). There are tickets for sale at Caustic Soda’s merchandise site CausticGear. The tickets are $10.00 and if you’re thinking of coming, act soon because the last show sold out rather quickly. Doors open at noon and Sneaky Dragon starts at 12:30. We hope to see you there!

Thanks for listening.

10 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 81”

  1. I got through the entire episode and enjoyed hearing a more grounded discussion about scripture as opposed to usual religious discussions, which involve non-Christians just saying random crap that they don’t really know about

    It would be like if two Ian Boothbys were talking about The Bible, heh, heh

  2. Also, I’d like to thank Ian for talking about improv (in previous episodes) to the point where I’m now taking an improv class, and just last night did my first justify, had my first good joke, and got a nice assist (not sure if there’s a term for that, but it’s where something I did was amplified by another person on stage) in a jam session

  3. I never leave comments because I’m always a couple of episodes behind, but I just had to add another vote of support for the format change in this episode. I’m an atheist, but I do enjoy thinking about these things, and a little variety never hurt any podcast.

    And since I’m commenting, I also have a comment about Ian’s Matrix joke, where he questioned how Tank got so beefy after waking up. I have to get really nerdy on you here and point out two things: 1) The big, muscular guy was actually named Dozer. Tank was Dozer’s brother. 2) Tank and Dozer were born in Zion, so Dozer never woke up in a vat of ooze. The Matrix was released during my freshman year in high school and was the big “guy movie” at the time, so I watched it a lot.

  4. Being in the Joke Police is a tough job, by the way. I mean it’s a lot of fun and you get to make people cry, but the pay is terrible.

  5. Very good episode! Made it all the way through, you guys are definitely green light on perhaps revisiting this topic in later episodes! Very interesting to also catch a bit more of you guys, your origins and clear relationships to aspects of society, such as religion. Very good!

  6. All right! The votes are in and, as usual, I’m wrong. (That’s okay. I’m a dad. I’m used to it.) I’m sure Ian and I will revisit this topic in later shows, but I’m self-conscious about shoving a bunch of religious stuff down people’s throats all the time.

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