Sneaky Dragon Episode 91


Ciao, Sneakers! It’s still summer vacation time here at Sneaky Dragon HQ: people going, people coming, visitors visiting, places visited. In other words, this may be the shortest blurb I’ve ever written.

This week, let’s start things off with a bang: colonic enemas! Next, Ian draws parallels between The Wizard of Oz and Breaking Bad (Ian draws parallels between everything and the Wizard of Oz); Dave and Ian have an argument about Breaking Bad, but even they might have trouble describing exactly what they were arguing about;  the media hysterically circle twerks over Miley Cyrus; Ian is surprised by that a certain Canadian was a Mouseketeer (and, no, it isn’t Pierre Trudeau; although they do love talking about him); Dave hopes the best for Amanda Bynes; Dave’s lost e-reader has popped up; Ian is sad – he destroyed his iPhone and it turns out the Apple iCloud sucks heartily;  and finally, Dave threatens to spend all of next week’s show discussing The Abyss – he has a few notes he’d like to pass along to James Cameron. We’re sure he’s still taking notes.

Thanks for listening!

3 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 91”

  1. You guys missed a crucial Breaking Bad plot reveal, which was that Walt could have had his former chemistry corporation/friends pay for his medical bills and probably take care of his family if need be. Instead, he was too proud to ask for help. His in-laws also would have taken care of his family/kids too. This is the point where I was pretty much like “Okay, Walt’s evil, he had no excuse to do all this stuff.” He did it out of fear. Heck, even his wife is apparently a good accountant and I have to believe she could make more money doing that than Walt could as a teacher.

    Movies that could have ended sooner: LoTR: Return of the King. Could have ended when the ghost guys saved the city or maybe right after when Aragorn got married. But the movie didn’t end for like another half an hour.

    Sorry to hear Ian’s having a bad day. I bought It’s About Tolerance Stupid to help pay towards his phone/being less broke, and because I already wanted to get it from last week’s plug. Good book, will review more on Amazon.

    1. Pierce! You are right.

      That was something I was thinking about as I edited the show. Why is Walt’s possible death the end of everything for his family? Skyler is a smart resourceful woman who could pick up the pieces after Walt’s passing. And, yes, her family could pitch in and help look after the kids if need be. Unfortunately, it’s a situation that lots of people face everyday and I’m sure that many of them do it without having to start cooking meth and murder people. Walt is such a control freak though that he can’t believe anyone could survive without him. He probably thought the company he left was dead in the water without him. No wonder he’s so bitter!

      Oh well, if he wasn’t such a tool, there wouldn’t be a great show.

  2. P.S. Although it was Ian’s fault technically, it’s still a lame policy to delete back up data if a cell phone doesn’t sync for a month. What if Ian got in a car accident, his phone was broken, and he landed in the hospital for a month? However much his cell phone data plan is, I’m sure it’s enough to afford some space for photos and whatever else he had backed up.

    It’s also bad policy on the part of a company to delete data without the customer realizing it’s going to happen. I.E. if Apple’s going to delete backup data in a month, that should be pretty clear with flashy words or something. Not at the bottom of some long terms of service page.

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