The Fansplainers – Ghostbusters

Ciao, cinemaphiles!

This week things get a little scary and more than a little ironical as we head back – way back – to the 1980s and watch a movie we like to call Ghostbusters!

It went up in Dave’s estimation and down a bit in Ian’s. Why? Well, let them fansplain it for you!

Thanks for listening.

8 thoughts on “The Fansplainers – Ghostbusters”

  1. I hate it when Dad and Dad argue, so I pulled some Walter Peck quotes from the internet to see what his character says about his suspicions. It’s a great comic twist: he’s right that the Ghostbusters are covering up something dangerous, but he’s wrong about what that danger is.

    First Visit:
    -Frankly, there have been a lot of wild stories in the media and we want to assess for any possible environmental impact from your operation. For instance, the presence of noxious, possibly hazardous waste chemicals in your basement.

    Serving the Warrant:
    -Cease and desist all commerce order, seizure of premises and chattels, ban on use of public utilities for unauthorized waste handlers, and a federal entry and inspection order.
    -I’ll tell you what’s hazardous. You’re facing federal prosecution for at least half a dozen environmental violations.
    -Don’t patronize me! I’m not grotesquely stupid like the people you bilk!

    Mayor’s Office:
    -These men are consummate snowball artists! They use sensitive nerve gases to induce hallucinations. People think they’re seeing ghosts! And they call these bozos, who conveniently show up to deal with the problem with a fake electronic light show!

    After listening to you Fansplain the movie, I decided to watch the “Ghostbusters Reunited Apart” Zoom reunion. It’s worth a watch for some interesting production trivia and anecdotes and some extra surprise guests that pop in.

    Sigourney Weaver was such a great choice for the movie. They could have gone with a younger starlet – it was the 80s – but she really classed up the role. It was her idea to change the character from a model to a musician. She is so strong in drama and sci-fi, you sometime forget she’s great in comedy as well. Some of my favourite lighter roles of hers: the boss in Working Girl, the president’s wife in Dave, , the work camp owner in Holes and the actress in Galaxy Quest.

  2. Edward Draganski

    Ghostbusters and Gremlins were both released on June 8, 1984 and I distinctly remember wanting to see Gremlins first. Me and two of my closest friends at the time, had a deal every Friday when we’d go to the movies. If we didn’t agree unanimously then the two votes won over the one which meant my two friends won over me and we saw Ghostbusters. I’m glad we did and I can’t remember what possessed me to want to see Gremlins over Ghostbusters. We saw Ghostbusters multiple times to get the lines in our minds and the thing I remember most was the song by Ray Parker Jr. was playing everywhere that Summer. In retrospect I’m glad they didn’t try and start a huge franchise with a bunch more Ghostbusters films after that, one was enough and quite unnecessary at that. The film evokes good memories and a fun time in cinema history…even if I was voted down to see it.

  3. Thank you guys for choosing to do Ghostbusters(Ghost Busters?)! This movie is one of my favorites. A good friend of mine and I would watch this movie seemingly every week when we shared an apartment in 2001. We would quote this movie as it played. He recently passed away so I hadn’t watched it since then but I watched it again last night and it brought back all the happy memories. A special place in my heart indeed!

    As for not getting back to the library, I always felt that all the hauntings were happening cuz all the ghostly elements that were breaking through at Dana’s apartment building. Since they killed it by crossing the streams then all the paranormal activity in NYC was taken care of. I could be wrong, of course.

    Here’s my vote for a next movie for Fansplainers: Stranger Than Fiction
    Not sure if it’s streaming though. Thanks guys!

  4. The marshmallows, with the “marshmallows man” printed on their plastic bag, appear among Dana Barrett’s groceries when she’s emptying her shopping bag at home, just before the eggs start jumping.

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