Sneaky Dragon Episode 548

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Episode 548 episode of Sneaky Dragon – the podcast that’s all heart – no art!

This week: too real; feed the children; the Swedish touch; a map to the SARS; safe as milk; too easy; ice ratio; punch drunk; suicidal cats; grotesque cartoons; maneaters; ye gods; lovely Rita Moreno; awards trivia; boredom threshold; biggest questions; movie quotas; directions in horror; slash and burn censorship; too soon; exploding heads; overlong transformations; scenes that stop the movie; low-key sexuality; villainous representation; Captain Phasthma; how to draw cats; Ian known; yes, and…ham; best kids books; weird ride; the seven deadly poohs; Dave endured Firestarter; beard camo; bully ratings; burn the cat; telepathetic; blood g-eye-sers; shine on me; the legend is true; Dork Shadows – Jump Into the Fire; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; hit me with your lick ’em stick; eating challenge; rub-on chlamydia; nyah-see; and, finally, just the right amount of Daves.

Question of the Week: Is there something that might happen in a movie that will take you right out of it?
Sub-question of the Week: Would you want the powers of the “Shining”?

Thanks for listening.

5 thoughts on “Sneaky Dragon Episode 548”

  1. The most likely representative of Lust in the Hundred Acre Woods is Kanga. She likely had a passionate liaison with an unknown stuffie and the result was Roo.

  2. Hello to the Sneaker Oligarchy!

    I can remember the very moment I wanted to walk out of “Pulp Fiction” but I was with friends, so I stuck with it. It was that god-awful scene with the gimp in the basement, it was so repugnant to me that I’ve never found the urge to rewatch the one Tarantino film that I detest. Also, anything with Jay and Silent Bob in it, I’m not a fan of stoner comedy.

    When you were discussing “Star Trek Discovery” a few weeks ago, there was a scene in Episode 8 of Season 3 that completely removed me from the entire show. The character Adira asks Stamets to use the preferred pronouns when addressing Adira and it just struck me as a shoe-horned in message. It’s not because I’m against the use of pronouns but it just felt forced and obligatory. What’s worse is that this show takes place almost 1000 years in the future which means the discussion and debate of gender pronouns will go on for a millennia, not really a good message for its advocacy or the diverse world of Star Trek.

    I’m afraid I’m not as educated in Stephen King’s stories as you guys are, I’m lacking quite a bit. It seems that anyone with powers in his stories are met with a gruesome ending so I think I’ll be passing on any Shining powers. Does anyone use them to fly or run fast?

    I’ve often thought that if I could had anyone’s super powers from the comics, it would be Crystal Amaquelin from The Inhumans. She can control the elements, so it’s kind of like getting four powers in one! You also get a huge dog friend who can teleport you anywhere! No Shine for me, bathe me in the Terrigen Mists and make me an Inhuman!

    Are you guys watching “The Boys”? It’s such a nice family show, something for everyone. I’m just taking in my double dose of weekly nerdgasms with “Obi-Wan Kenobi” and “Strange New Worlds” for now, excited for where they’ll both lead me. I hope to see Darth just hanging around his digs on Mustafar, maybe going for an evening stroll along the lava pits thinking of how he can punish his former master. Dark Side Goals.

    Ian, how damned beautiful was Pike’s place in Montana? I love it that he was watching “The Day the Earth Stood Still” on his mega television in the background. It’s nice to see TCM will still be around in the 23rd Century. Klaatu, Barrada, Nikto!!

    The bag of Dr Pepper jelly beans was about 10 or 12 ounces if I remember correctly, anyone is welcomed to try to eat that in an hour! All I can send is a used Dr Pepper Red Fusion sticker from 2002, remember that abomination?

    Good night gentlemen and all the Sneakers at Sea…have a pleasant tomorrow!

  3. Hello Hello–

    I’ve never nope’d out of a movie based on subject matter. The closest I’ve ever come is “that scene” in Lars Von Trier’s “AntiChrist.” I don’t know if I could watch it again. Great and terrifying movie, though.

    I would take The Shining power. However, I’ve always wished for the power to stop time. Someone robbing you? Stop time. Tie them up. Start time again. Robber be like, “Whaaaaa?” Forgot that report due at work in ten minutes? Stop time. Write the report. Start time again.

    Take care, All.

    1. Edward Draganski

      The time powers are very cool! Remember the character Hiro on the NBC Series “Heroes” back in the mid-to-late 2000’s? His powers are defined by their Wiki page as Space-Time Manipulation…not a bad idea for a super power.

  4. Good evening / good next week youse guys, depending on which side of the recording cutoff this note lands:

    On things that take me out of a movie:

    Two of the first films I saw as a kid spring to mind – The first is the weird line early on in Ghostbusters where Peter Venkman asks if the librarian is menstruating. I suppose this is meant to be funny, as it’s joke shaped, but it ain’t, and neither does it serve any purpose, since we already know that Venkman is a creep. The other obvious one is that damned jeep in Back to the Future, a venal bauble which undercuts the true goal of the film – of restoring Marty’s family.

    Not in quite the same area, but the pet peeve that takes me out of a movie is how characters with glasses deal with them. Movie glasses are either a fashion accessory that gets ditched as soon as the action picks up (X files) or so indispensable that their wearer is literally blind without them (Scooby Doo). A few films make good use of glasses – particularly Stewart Gordon’s ‘Dagon’, in which the protagonist’s specs are constantly getting fogged up and flecked with rain, hampering his progress.

    Talk of Lovecraftian horror reminds me of a recent show that blew it for me – Archive 81 on Netflix. This was one of those stories in which the protagonist fails to pick up on obvious weirdness, then once bad stuff starts happening hangs around way too long than is reasonable, whilst the baddies hold off their attack in order to string the plot out over more episodes than the drama can sustain.

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